Wednesday, March 11, 2015

More Than Just a Husband

   I've been married to my husband, James, for close to 6 years now. I met him on Mother's Day morning in 2009 at a southern Gospel concert in Connersville, Indiana. I had followed the Stamps Quartet since I was 5 years old. James was playing piano for them the day that I met him. The moment that I met him, I knew that he was the one that God had picked for me. After the concert, James and I talked about everything under the sun. He kept wrapping the cord over and over again. He asked for my number, and I gave it to him. As my mom and I were driving home, I get a phone call. It was him. I was smiling from ear to ear. Actually, I was pretty much freaking out! I couldn't believe it was him. From that moment on, we spent every free moment on the phone with each other. We had our first date two weeks later. Nine days later he asked my mom for my hand in marriage. On June 24th, 2009, we were married. A lot of people said that we wouldn't last 6 months. Little did they know that God had His hand on the whole thing. The March before we met, James was on the East Coast. A pastor friend of his told him that he needed to stop looking for his wife. That God had one picked out for him. It was going to be a fast work, so don't let it scare you. I was in Nashville, TN with a pastor friend of mine. He told me that I needed to stop looking for my husband. God had him picked out for me. It was going to be a fast work so don't let it scare you. Boy was it fast!
  I was finally diagnosed with SLE in 2014 and have since started treatment for it. I'm so incredibly thankful for James. He has been so much more than just a husband. He has stuck with me through everything. When the pain became unbearable, he would hold me. He went to every single doctors appointment. He cried with me when I cried. He rejoiced when I rejoiced. To say that he has been amazing is an understatement. When others would give up, he stayed with me. I know that it hasn't been easy on him, but he has been nothing short of amazing. He hasn't just been a husband, he has been my best friend, prayer warrior, my companion, my caretaker, my encourager, and so much more. I thank God every single day for him.


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